SEMANTIC TOOLS FOR CARBON REDUCTION IN URBAN PLANNINGCo-funded by the European Commission within the 7th Framework ProgrammeOntology mapping toolPresentation | ReportThe purpose of the ontology mappings tools is to help users –domain experts, data owners and ontology engineers– to integrate data sources into the semanticenergy information framework (SEIF). It supports some steps of a semantic integration process, particularly the creation of the R2RML mapping file. The ontologymapping tool can read a database structure by reading a SQL schema and provides a web interface based on graph visualizations to let users to map the databasestructure to the target ontology. The output of the tool is a R2RML file where the URI (i.e. subjectMap and objectMap) and SQL (i.e. sqlQuery) are generatedautomatically, however the user can customize them. It is a generic tool which can hold any OWL ontology.